Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Tweety is in Da House

After a short break, due to the holidays seasons,  I came back to the street again. It was really  cool to see  everyone  again.  All the new  girls  and  the  old ones.After  half an hour, I thought  that  we  had a special guest in hour  street.  But after looking  for a second time,  it was Aunty Suzi, in her new  tweety outfit. When we  see  her wearing that  , we should  all say to her, "I think  that i saw  a pussy cat" ,  she will  love that. Shame  that  she wasn't wearing her tweety  hair,  that  day. Lucky for all of us  that Sylvester was not near.

Tweety probably thinks ,  "hee  she  stole my suit". Lucky

At least  I'm  back again,  Don't forget to check my  blog regulary. Maybe  you will be next, inside my blog.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

PussyMan or HeWoman part 2

It is not often  that we  get twice the same sort of rarity .  but this morning  i had the luck to meet another PussyMan. Is this the new men. Is this our future, The PussyMan?

I have no idea but  I wouldn't mind. The bad part of this all is  probably that  we cant have children like  that. Unless we  do it like the birds. They grind their pussies also together  to get pregnant.

Or maybe this was weirdo Sunday again. We will see what the  day  will bring more. Maybe an UdderMan or something  els gross. Stay tuned, it  happens all in Succi's world

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The perfect man?

Today, I was walking around in a sim where  a friend of mine  sometimes hangout. It is mostly filled with  horny men that try to pick up women  for free.

There weren't that many women. Actually just one besides my self. Not that I felt like helping  them  with their over production of  semen  at the  moment.

One of the men decided to  do something  about  his problem by himself. He undress, put some Vaseline  on his hand. And started jerking on his cock for  15 minutes ( NNNNN). After that it  exploded some white liquid ( Splat Splat Splat). And he left.

For a moment a  thought  the perfect man,  Nobody has to help him with  orgasming, but then  again. He left without cleaning  up and the  floor is  one sticky mesh. I wouldn't be happy to step into that stinky stuff.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Special Guest

Today , we had a special guest on the street. At 11 am, Mister Kim came  to visit Anya.

At least he didn't forget his rubber. It was a rare sight and  everyone was surprised by it,

Something went wrong with his haircut or maybe this was  the latest hottest thing  in  north Korea. Anya probably  would cares less apparently, as long as he  put his poky inside her pussy.

Who knows  who will come next. Don't Miss it on Street whores.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Strange Hobbies

Not only Mel has strange hobbies,

Today i went to a  beach , to visit a friend.  In  front of him was some woman  with  an ice cone on her breast and rear.

I asked her what the ice cone was about.  I  thought she did that  to attract men  and let them  lick the ice off. But that was not the case ,  apparently she lost some,  ice cone  throwing contest. She wants to have revenge with a cactus throwing contest.

If you ask me ,  some people seem to have too much  time on their hands.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

People of Street Whores Part 2

It is amazing how fast a  week goes and still amazing  how bored some  people can  get, when they are playing  a video game,  or  when they  are shopping.  Some of the women,  on the street whores,  get  bored  very often, when they have to wait  for the  men  to  come. A few of us have  found  a way to break the boredom.
 Rosie decided to "clone" herself  all over the  street. Everyone  started to look like  her, almost like  a virus. Really amazing, at least the punters  didn't have it difficult, to chose  a woman that day.

A few days later, i was  walking  around with a few  friends at an auction place. I found  out,  that  some  of the  girls  have a strange hobby. I still wonder who this girl was, I'm pretty sure, that I have seen her on  street whores. Maybe you recognize her.

She should have  shaved, that  bush off though.  Next time i will  Photoshop the bushes away.

This was it  for now,  don't forget  to check my blog weekly.  I'm  planning to post more things. Like this Saturdays party  at Street whores. That is if i can make it.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

People of Street Whores

We always  have a  few  colorful patrons  visiting  our  street. All kind  of  customers  are  coming,  Furies,  Grandpa's,  Beggars and other  Scum.

About Beggars,  Our local  beggar Johann ,  You might have met  him a  few times,  has an  office  in  our  street.  Sadly he  isn't very fast  with  cleaning it  up. So i decided  to  clean  it up my  self  today. For that, i  got  a big  front loader  because i don't  want  to  touch  that  garbage  with my  fingers. You never  know  what Johann keeps  in  those  garbage  bags, for what i know it  could  be  dead  babies ,  used  condoms  or  left overs that   i  threw  away.

I would never  touch anything   that  has  been in  or  around  his office  but  some  of the  women are  real dare devils. Rachael  our  Sugar Aunt  for  instance,  Uses the  toilet  in  Johann's office  regularly.  I caught her already  5 times  , doing a  poo  on Johann's toilet. Serious i must not think about it my self,  i heard  people  telling  me  that  there  are  even  new  animal specimens  inside  the  toilett. Today after i  cleaned up Johann's office.  Tsai  went to the  toilet  as well. At least i have my  own  one  in my  apartment. with  a  sink.